Dr. Elizabeth Tully
Image Massive Health


As Election Day draws nearer, many of you will go out and exercise your right to vote. Many people have bemoaned the lack of choices in this election cycle. Yet as each person complains, he or she is comparing the available choices to an ideal. This ideal is something that is considered, formed and revised […]

This easy to make recipe is Gluten, Dairy, Soy and Grain Free. It also is Purification friendly if you are following the Standard Process 21 day Purification Program, which I recommend for my patients. I also follow it myself at least once a year. Flax-Chia Seed Crackers 1 Cup Flax Seeds 3 Tablespoons Chia Seeds […]

Ten years ago, when I began to study nutrition in earnest, I learned that statin drugs cause muscle weakness and pain.  I was taught, in fact, that muscle pain and weakness was the most common side effect of statins and what’s more, that this information was almost a pharmaceutical industry secret. At the time, muscle pain […]

I found the following Gluten Free Recipe on YouTube and have made it a few times. It is tasty and has a Corn Bread type consistency and mouth feel. It’s really delicious toasted with butter or nut butter. I don’t recommend it for meat sandwiches because of its crumbly nature, but it does hold up […]

Confusion in Vitamin Land Most people don’t have the time to thoroughly investigate vitamins or get the right information to make wise selections. But they do, apparently, have time to watch infomercials at 2:00 in the morning, which have become the source for all nutritional miracle breakthroughs! – Lorrie Medford, CN¹   Have you ever […]

As a Chiropractor, I interact with my patients on a very physical, one could say intimate, level.  Although I also use specialized Chiropractic equipment to assist with adjusting, my  hands are my primary tool in analyzing and treating my patients. Those of you unfamiliar with Chiropractic might be scratching your head right now.  Simply put, […]

Mineral Mysteries Many times in my practice I have broached the subject of nutrition with my patients.  Many people are familiar with the concepts like calories, fats and vitamins, but most other information is a mystery to them. When I tell them that sufficient minerals are needed for good muscle function and to reduce painful […]

In my last two blogs, I have touched on the idea of Adrenal Fatigue. That is the concept that chronic stress and poor diet can lead your body down the path of hormonal imbalance and physiologic dysregulation that will eventually cause symptoms to appear. These are not disease states. Many times you may have symptoms, […]

Are You Driving Yourself into Adrenal Fatigue? In a society where parents vie for prestigious preschools for their Ivy League bound toddlers, it shouldn’t be a surprise that we prize behaviors that prove we are driven, high energy personalities.  Our role models are politicians, celebrities and entertainers who work themselves hard.  Reality TV shows push […]