dscn0510-2As Election Day draws nearer, many of you will go out and exercise your right to vote. Many people have bemoaned the lack of choices in this election cycle. Yet as each person complains, he or she is comparing the available choices to an ideal. This ideal is something that is considered, formed and revised over a period of time.

Shouldn’t we all be going through the same process when it comes to our health?

The answer should be: Yes!

But, are you? Do you realize that you have HealthCare Options?

Do you spend as much time protecting your health as you do airing your viewpoints on Social Media?

Are you aware of the myriad choices that are out there when it comes to types of foods, exercise regimes, stress reducing programs or even pain management options?

Besides the election, there are other things in the news. It turns out that pain killer addiction is a MAJOR problem in our country. Who knew?

We did! Chiropractors, the unwelcome interloper at the health care (meaning sick care) table. We are the major alternative profession in the United States and we help patients manage pain without drugs or surgery!

Chiropractors have alway preached about Healthcare Choices. We have scoured the research and watched how our patients re-gained their health and vitality with chiropractic care, while their spouses, parents or children were seduced by the dark side of the pharmaceutical force.

It is possible to manage many painful chronic conditions without becoming addicted to medications.

Did you know, you have that choice?

As we move into a new chapter of our country’s history, will you move into a new chapter in your healthcare choices?

What will you Elect?